orchha (the hidden place), and khajuraho


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chhatris in orchha more chhatris over looking the betwa river 

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cenotaph to orchha rulers  hot cows carving inside a tomb chhatris from the track

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activity by the betwa river first ever vulture! ladies carrying rocks


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ruined tomb squirrel resting on it's tummy.. bustling street in orchha

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family of vultures nesting in a tower of one of the chhatris trying to land on the top braxony stared at the vultures and the vultures stared back bird feasts on fallen honey comb

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selling dyes in the town square deserted ram raja temple - overrun by slightly manic monkeys boy selling vedge.

lo ng

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blue bird? shrine or tomb with trees growing out of it one of the afore mentioned manic monkeys colourful goods carrier


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palace ceiling painting of rama and  huanaman ladies eager for a picture friendly canon

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restoration in the palace j. surveys the jehangir mahal v. good sculpted elephant b. at the palace


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looking over the palace roof tops pretty lapis lazuli inlay  palace from behind


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khajuraho, land of the naughty temples goat at eastern temple j.  with dragon at eastern temples

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b. at southern temple detail of some of the inticate carving mostly slightly risque scenes involving scantily clad ladies ..... parrot on flag on temple

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locals gather in one of the western temples, to much chanting and hollering western temple complex to vishnu b. is attacked by a ferocious gargoyle...

lo ng

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look it is a genuine green parrot - (this took a lot of patience as they are pretty wily little things!) cat god? playing chicken with a lizard - how close would he let us go.... dancing lady

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streaming out of the temple in a flurry of colourful sari's another small dragon clambering into the temple amidst much hullaballoo other sight-seers


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b. and an enourmous boar incarnation of vishnu a few hundred shots later and we get the blue bird in focus j. looking hot tiny green bird

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and here they are - the page three temple ladies posing or dancing or befriending gods! - oh and ganesh doing the hula hula dance!

oh and there was also a lot of this kind of thing............

off on safari and to varanasi