beautiful nepal...


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kathmandu - durbar square taleju temple the monsoons finally catch up with us!

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b. on a terrace in durbar sq. some of the mini temples surrounding taleju temple monsoon sky painted beasts at the temple doors

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gardens reflected in a vase braxony in the beautiful gardens map on our arrival at Langtang national park

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gardens and stone elephants lillies in the gardens rams head j. in the gardens


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statue of a deity in a shrine - possibly huanaman!  small village in langtang at the start of our trek  day one and the countryside is gorgeous following the river up the valley as it gets progressively steeper

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b. fashioning hemp headwear ahh it all seemed so easy .... getting up higher and the views get more dramatic but the legs begin to ache

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j. and a friendly hound tea house spotted ahead up and up  our ramboesque guide - think less amble in the jungle - more braxony boot camp

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prayer wheels snowy peaks are spotted on the second day prayer flags in the wind


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it's very beautiful but i wish i was in less pain enormous trees napali mushroom hunter irises
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yeti!! russians attempt to kidnap yeti .... j. and tree in our path day 3 and a village on our descent

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carved rock shrine day 2 and the exhaustion and upset stomach leads to a fever of 103f the snowy himalayan peaks


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marijuana at altitude morning waterfall morning jungle prayer flags

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year of the horse  caravan of horses coming up the trail b. recovering and finding down-hill is a joy

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blue skys crazy monsoon river er john's sideline career is discovered in the foothills of the himalaya's and the butterfly stamped his foot

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ahhh the pretty leaves ..... our 8hr bus ride is interrupted by a monsoon landslide rice fields

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crazy unsupported bridge enormous butterfly  old man at one of the tea houses - was acually more jolly than this pic might indicate! two very nice nepalese ladies at a tea house and our very nice guide, shankar

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mmm you can't hide there .... corn in the sun Nepalese women wait for the land slide to be removed views from our slightly terrifying bus journey


and nepal II