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braxony in the park in aswan our falucca captained by abdula a bob marley fan! j., abdula and janen (the boat)
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"don't worry be happy" don't shoot the odd gobble gobble birds... braxony and the nile....

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this is one of the gobble gobble birds commonly known as ibis.... aswan souk at dusk janen in the sunshine shrine on the opposie bank of the nile


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ibis on the botanical island also known as kitchener island hibiscus on the island ibis in flight the blue and rather pretty nile

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ibis stalking us pretty flora j. felucca and the flowers

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palms felucca b. attempts the desert at mid-day - oh no we don't need a camel thankyou! st simeons monastery in the desert


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leaving the botanical island man touting his wares from his boat nile and desert
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j. in st simeons main courtyard of the monastery  abdula fashions b. some new head-gear

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inscriptions on the monastery walls much needed half-time orange monastery  one of the camels we shunned....

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monastery corridor nubian village "corocodile house" our little helper


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hieroglyphics on elephantine island b.  squishing the hieroglyphic slug  ok, the bird was upsidedown but I thought this gave a better idea ...

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croc. in our nubian cafe ... clapping ankh - pretty odd! j. inspects the wares...

and to aswan II.....